Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Create a workflow to email the count of an event registration in SharePoint2010

Using MS SharePoint Designer 2010;

 1.       Create a list with columns Title and Event Count – This is to store the no of count incrementing in each registration, I call this as Attendance Limits
2.       Create a list with a column Title – This is to store the name list of attendees, I call this as Breakfast

3.       Create a new workflow.
What I do check here is if someone get registered, then check if that user is in the List (Breakfast) title column. Else I set a variable list count to the List I created in point 1. Then push the attendee to in the List I created in Point 2. Then I do the calculation which increment the variable list count by 1 and store it for output variable. Delete the current item value in the List which store the counts and update it same time with new count value.

Then I set it to email to the event organizer. Click on the Email on workflow will allow you to edit the lay out of the Email. Here I take email the name of the user who registered and the latest total of attendees.

4. Publish the workflow, Once you publish the workflow you can see the aspx file has been created for the workflow.

5.Modify aspx file as you want to see it, change the layout wordings, font etc…Also if you want to redirect to a thank you page this can be done here.

6.Grant appropriate user permissions to Lists created otherwise Lists won’t get updated when they get registered and total counts may remain 0.

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