Another helpful feature provided by report server is
Subscription. It can also be scheduled to receive reports automatically in the
form of Email or File Share. In file share you can specify the format of the
file (Pdf,Excel etc..) and schedule to save to ftp location or file path that
you specify. If you want to schedule the report via email you can also send it
as an attachment by using Render Format (PDF,Excel etc..)
After you deploy reports to report server right click report
properties and it shows Subscription. It shows below screens which you can
easily set the schedule.
However you also need to configure the RSReportServer.config
file location in SQL server/reporting server.
There you may need to provide your SMTP server
<SMTPServer></SMTPServer> port number
To use a remote SMTP service, this <SendUsing>2</SendUsing> value must be set to 2 in the
RSReportServer.config file.